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Tips & tricks for designers using the Adobe Creative Suite

Friday, January 14, 2005

Question from dbellenger

dbellenger wrote:

"I am a producer for a newspaper and I use the program InDesign.
My question is, how do I select 2 objects that are on 2 different pages?."

well, dbellenger, that's a toughie. it would help me to know a little bit more about what you're trying to accomplish with selecting objects on more than one page. if i knew, i could probably suggest a better way to do what it is you're really after.

as to the selecting of objects on different pages, this is what i've got:
the only way to select across multiple pages is when you're selecting type that has been linked together. so, if you wanted to make all the type in your document bold, you could do so in one foul swoop - though probably more efficiently if you were using character styles. you can also select images across the document that are in the links palette, but it is mainly for the purpose of updating or relinking them, not moving them around in the layout.

if i had to guess, i'd say that you're trying to move two objects at the same time so that the pages look alike and you don't have to measure it with rulers. if this is the case, there's an easier way to do it.

-First, position the first photo where you want it on what i'll call "spread A"
-then select the image with the selection tool and copy it (Apple+C).
-in the pages palette, click on the spread you want active
-click Edit > Paste in Place (it's key equivalent is a good one to know: apple+opt+shift+V)
-then you can delete the photo with in the image frame and replace it with a different image if you so choose.

i am currently using InDesign 2.0, so I'm not sure if CS has added multiple spread selection to it's repretoire. if anyone out there knows, please fill me in via a comment.

Attention Design Students

We're going to have an out-of-character post for a second because this is important.

If you are a design student and plan on creating anything that uses letter forms (i.e., typeography), you MUST buy this book. Or, at the very least, pour over the website.

Everything you should never do with type you will learn from this book.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

ID Tip #424: QuarkXpress Key Commands

Let's say you've just recently converted to InDesign. Congrats! Welcome aboard. I promise you'll love it much better here. In the meantime, you're probably wondering one thing: How do I fuction?!

No problem. InDesign 2.0 has a feature (someone with CS let me know if this is true) for users in your exact predicament where it is possible to change the key commands to match those from QuarkXpress 4.0. I recommend doing this as a temporary fix while, you know, you crank out that annual report that's due in 2 hours... When you have just a little bit of time to spend, turn the Quark commands back off and begin the not-so-difficult task of getting used to the program. I promise it flows much better with what you already know from Photoshop and Illustrator.

Here's how:
Click Edit>Keyboard Preferences
In that window, click the menu at the top that says Default
Change it to Shortcuts for QuarkXpress 4.0
Hit OK

You're done! Now don't forget to change it back this weekend!

Friday, July 09, 2004

ID Tip #304: Importing Multiple Images

When it comes to importing, you've got Apple+E down. So how do you import multiple images? You'd think it would be as simple as multiple selections in the import window, but no. In this case, we go back to the fabulous drop-and-drag technique. Select multiple files on your desktop (or wherever they might be) and drag to the InDesign window you're working in. When you let go of the mouse button, ID will cascade all the files you imported from the point where your mouse let go.

Monday, June 28, 2004

ID Tip #247: Importing Copy Files

So, sometimes when your copywriter arranges his copy in the Word file with lots of formatting, and it can impede on your ability to select the type when imported into InDesign.

Make things easier by unchecking "Retain Format" in the Import window. This will cause InDesign to strip the file of all formatting (including bold, italic, and underlining). I'm not sure if it strips the file of it's table-setup, but we'll talk about that later.